.My first nightly
excursion to a nearby meadow did not look good.
There had to be something done about the reflected light. I
help with the sky situation.The street lights and their
reflections on
the house walls needed to be shielded. |


This is how it looked afterwords, behind a rush
mat, fixed to four
posts. I set the telescope with all its CCD gimmicks included by
ST-4 auto guider. Only too often I had to tear it down one or
hours later, due to clouds rolling in and threat of rain, .
The little white square to the left gave me
access to the 12 volt power
supply of my car parked behind the
mat wall. |
After the wind had blown the shelter down
numerous times this phase
had to be terminated. Plans were drawn. Old astro- magazines and
the do-it-yourself stores were checked. After all research, my
own idea seemed the best and least expensive. Some earth
removal had to be done. The father of a generous friend found
some large iron tubes in his junk pile. From the iron tubes I
made the foundation pier. In this picture the pier is still
covered with some plastic bags. Placing the building on 30 x 30
cm stone plates enabled me to remove the observatory-lodge in
case of problems with the building authorities. My project had
to be portable, because the ground has no construction permit. |

I wanted to use 4 by 6 cm roofing rafters so in case I made
a bad
cut on the rafters I did not want it to be a financial
disaster. I must
tell you, I have never done a project like this
All the parts were first assembled and screwed together at
home. I
wanted to make sure all the parts fit well together and
make sure the
"star-lodge" would be large enough for me and the
telescope. The
total room size should be 3 x 3
m. square.
The roll-away roof was designed to roll in "U" shaped rails. I used
hollow furniture rollers for the wheels. I now know this was not a
good idea. These wheels are inexpensive but do not stand freezing
weather. The material becomes very inflexible and fragile and
breaks when it freezes. Solid material wheels, which I now use, are
freeze proof and work much better.
I also learned snow in the "U" shaped rails will melt during the day
and freeze the wheels in place at night! A better solution is to use
grooved wheel on an up-side down "L" shaped profile. |
"KISS" technique----"Keep It Simple Stupid" This will
become the support for the roof. On my drawings I could
never create the angle of my roof slope. I finally did it the
way, put the
construction on the floor and by placing two rafters left and
right I
could measure the dimensions without asking Mr. Pythagoras.
Vamos trabalhar !
Everything is prefabricated and loaded, the weather is
dry and today
the "star-lodge" is ready to transport and assemble on site.

Thanks to the prefabrication and cordless screwdriver
everything went
well and quickly. The greatest moment
was when the rolling-roof
construction, only held together
by clamps, was rolling free without
Lunch hour
(or was it coffee break?) with my loyal
friends and
companions "Biene" and "Schöckel",
anyway, now the rain can begin!
For now, "saude, amor e escudos"! |
Welcome ! |